Monday, 24 July 2017

How often do you use a mobile payment option?

Samsung Pay

Using a smartphone to pay for things has been around a bit longer than most people might remember. However, before the arrival of Apple Pay --which forced the idea into the limelight-- it wasn't talked about all that often and, despite plenty of stickers at some fast food joints and some retailers, wasn't a realistic option to checkout for most consumers.

Since Apple joined the market, though, mobile payments have exploded in just about every way they could. We've seen companies like Samsung, LG, Walmart, and Target announce their own mobile payment options for consumers. Some have already disappeared from sight, and others never even made a debut. But one thing is clear:

There are options.

If you'r using an Android phone, for instance, you've got a few different means to use your smartphone as a means to buy items, all with similar names. Samsung Pay if you're on a Samsung-branded phone. LG Pay is an option if you've got an LG phone. And then there's Google's own offering, Android Pay. All have the same similar function, while others offer a few more tricks under the hood to entice users.

Meanwhile, Apple has been pushing Apple Pay to retailers and banking establishments all across the globe. While there are still some areas that have refused to accept the mobile payment option, or any option from any company for that matter, this seems like a "sooner or later" scenario. Mobile payments aren't going anywhere, and companies need to make sure that paying with a smartphone is an option for customers as time marches forward.

I wanted to get a progress report from all of you out there, to see how well mobile payments have been adopted for you or people you know. For me, personally, I've been going out of my way to go to places where I can just use my phone for everything. Even rewards cards. I've always been on the fence with mobile payments, because using a chip in a debit or credit card is annoying, but it was actually an ATM that pushed me over the top.

My bank finally rolled out ATMs all over the place that support using a smartphone to access the account. No more PIN or card required. It's sped up the process quite a bit, and not having to pull my card out of my wallet, which I have to pull out of my pocket, is great. Sure, it cuts down on less than a handful of steps, but it's still easier than the alternative.

A few more restaurants and businesses in the area have also adopted accepting mobile payments, which means when I go out I have more than just two options to pick when I want to eat. Being able to just take out my phone, hold it out for a second, hear the ding, and then just move on is fantastic.

I hope the day comes soon where mobile payments are basically the expected, if not outright default way to pay for things, whether it's at a fast food joint, a restaurant where you go in and sit, or a place where you pick up your new wardrobe. My bank also needs to support Apple Pay when you go inside to speak to a teller, too, instead of having to swipe a card and insert a PIN.

Will that day arrive soon? I certainly hope so. But, who knows. How do you feel about mobile payment options these days? Which one do you use, and how often do you use it? Or are you still not using the option at all? Let me know!

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